Admins eHow SysAdmin Tips & Tricks

October 2, 2014

Minima wallpaper pack for Mobile / Tablets

Filed under: Android,Apple,General — Tags: , , — admin @ 3:50 am

Here are some beautiful minimalist wallpapers for your mobile device. Preview :


Download : Minima-WP-Pack

September 24, 2014

Apple released iPant and special bend fixing tools for iPhone 6/6+ owners

Filed under: Apple,iPhone — Tags: , , , , — admin @ 7:19 pm

In the wake of the news that iPhone 6/6+ are being bent in the pockets of users :


September 21, 2014

#AppleWave, The new way to charge your iPhone super fast

Filed under: Apple — Tags: , , , , , — admin @ 6:34 am

If you have an iPhone 6/6+ or an older iPhone with with iOS 8, then you can benefit from Apple’s new technology called Apple Wave. iOS 8 contains drivers which enables iPhone to be charged using any normal household microwave. I personally tried it myself and was able to charge an iPhone from 20% to 90% in about 60 seconds. This is really awesome.

Here is Apple’s official introduction to Apple Wave :


September 10, 2014

A few words with iSheeps who are going to buy iPhone 6/6+

Filed under: Android,Apple,iPhone — Tags: , , , , — admin @ 6:52 am


I feel you iSheeps, it should be so hard that everyone pokes fun at you because of your nonsense ideas like golden size or rule of Thumb ? Do you remember calling bigger phones bricks ? NOW YOU HAVE A BIG 5.5″ BRICK. Don’t forget that Galaxy S5 is only 5.2″, smaller than iPhone 6+. Ha, you cant remember right !? Suddenly you cant remember. OK Let me help you then :


October 14, 2012

How to enable AHCI support for Windows on an iMac, MacBook or etc

Filed under: Apple — Tags: , , , , , , — admin @ 9:18 am

Apple does all the dirty tricks to show the iSheeps that Apple is a superior brand and provides superior performance compared to competition, the last one I found is that it disables AHCI support for Windows on its hardware. By disabling AHCI (which you have already paid for it and Apple hardware has this feature) it forces Windows to use ATA controller disk drivers which is considerably slower than AHCI and has less features. for example you wont have TRIM support on your SSD disk on your Windows.
By doing so, Apple gives you this feeling that Windows is slower than Mac OSX on the same hardware.
Hopefully there is a workaround for this fraud of Apple. You will need to modify the Master Boot Record of your Windows drive.
This workaround only works for Macs with Intel disk controllers. If you have Nvidia chipset, it will not work for you. You may confirm it in device manager of Windows.
First step is to make sure windows tries to load AHCI drivers after AHCI is enabled in boot loader. if you miss this step you will get a BSOD on booting windows and you will need to restore old MBR for windows too boot up.
Open your Windows registry editor and make sure “Start” Value in the following keys are set to 0.


Also we need the modified MBR which you can download from here : patchedcode.bin
Put the patchedcode.bin on a USB stick which we can use later.
OK, We are done in Windows. Now we need to boot using a Linux Live CD or MacOSX Install Disk. both will work.
Put the bootable CD or USB stick into your computer and reboot.
When you hear the boot sound (the white screen appears) hold down the option (alt) key. you should get the option to boot from CD or USB stick.
Boot from CD or USB stick and Open a Terminal Window.
First lets get a backup from current MBR so in case of any problems we can roll back to it.
Also please note I am assuming your windows disk is /dev/disk0. if yours is different you may need to change it.
Put in your USB stick, change directory to it and run the following command :

dd if=/dev/disk0 of=backup.bin bs=512 count=1

it will make a backup from your MBR to backup.bin
now it is time to write the new MBR to disk :

diskutil umountdisk /dev/disk0
dd if=patchedcode.bin of=/dev/disk0 bs=440 count=1

All done ! now reboot into windows :

shutdown -r now

In Windows you should see windows installs the new AHCI drivers. also you may check that by looking into device manager.
Also I recommend you to download and install “Intel Matrix Storage Manager” to update your AHCI drivers to intel’s ones.
If anything goes wrong, you can revert back to old MBR by following commands in Terminal :

diskutil umountdisk /dev/disk0
dd if=backup.bin of=/dev/disk0 bs=440 count=1

October 5, 2011

4 Oct 2011, Bad day for iSheeps

Filed under: Android,Apple — Tags: , , , , — admin @ 8:21 pm

No doubt, 4th Oct 2011 has been a very bad day for iSheeps, their beloved fruit company left them with a minor upgraded phone after 16 months of waiting and frustration. no wonder why Steve Jobs left the company just a few weeks before new iPhone 4S announcement, he decided to leave the company in glory days. the legend will stay the legend. lambs are to be slaughtered.
I know many iSheeps have decided to leave iSheep camp and join the Android revolution. that’s a wise decision friends 🙂 welcome to superiority and excellence.
I just found something interesting. compare the following stats , first one belongs to 2009, second one to 2011 :
2009 :


As you can see in almost two years Apple has hardly kept its market share and has only grown from %25 to %27. it has happened during the golden age of iPhone 4 ! while Google market share has grown from 5% to 42% ! now you can guess what would happen with current weak embarrassing iPhone 4S ! and this superiority and excellency of Android phones now. I even expect a minus Point Change for Apple market share in next reports.
And I expect some iSheeps send apology letters to me if Google Point Change beats Apple. We will see that happen 😀

September 19, 2011

Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address – Must See

Filed under: Apple,General — Tags: , , — admin @ 8:25 pm

If you read my blog , you will know that I am not a fan of Apple. In fact I fight against its dominance and its policies.but I really admire this man, Steve Jobs. He deserves what he has acquired.
I recommend everyone to listen to this speech very carefully several times and make use of advises of this man. What he says and recommends in life is very true and useful.

Watch here :
Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

The text of speech :
‘You’ve got to find what you love,’ Jobs says

September 12, 2011

The Start of the End for Apple iPhone

Filed under: Android,Apple,iPhone — Tags: , , — admin @ 7:37 am

It seems the start of the End of Apple iPhone has begun. After few years of fruit style glory and ripping off the the customers. Our beloved open source Android is going to put an end to it.
The signs are very clear, Apple does not introduce its new iPhone based on its custom. seems fruit company has nothing significant to offer so decides to offer nothing. if you don’t play , you won’t lose. iSheeps becomes depressed and speculate the new iPhone will be released in September or October. Apple prefers to stay quiet as always based on its marketing strategy. they try to keep the iSheeps fed and excited. so they can be ripped off later.
The anticipated date for releasing iPhone 5 is closing , Steve Jobs steps down as CEO. leaving the fruit company in glory and as a hero. others are to be blamed later.
September comes, still no sign of iPhone 5. this phone has become obsolete before its release. its rival Samsung Galaxy S II is equipped with a Dual core 1.2Ghz CPU. at the best scenario iPhone 5 will be equipped with a A5 CPU made by Samsung with a clock of 1Ghz ! yet more to come, Samsung announces its next dual core 1.5Ghz smart phone will be released in next quarter. Apple is almost a year behind now. Google announces the Android based Nexus Prime will be released very soon. Apple is completely knocked out now, unable to compete in the field, sends its legion of lawyers to war.
3 major US operators Sprint, Verizon and AT&T desperate of Apple actions, decide to offer iPhone 5 rival Samsung Galaxy SII.
Statistics start to leak from research companies. Apple is not only losing the in field but also loses market share very fast.

The stats are very clear , by July 2011, Android is dominating the US market share by 42% compared to 27% Apple. the stats should have become worse for Apple by now.
If you are an iSheep reading this article , I recommend you to turn on your brain and start using it. The start of The End of iPhone has begun and clock is ticking.
Join the wave NOW ! Confess to your Sins and promise you will NEVER ripped off again by fruit company. You will be sent to Android heaven.

Edit : Seems I have had high hopes for iSheeps , there is no way to save them ! here is a response from an iSheep :

Oh I am deeply impressed 🙁
I confess to all my sins :(( I was innocent but one day when i was sick, a bad doc at hospital told me an Apple a day keeps the doctor away and involved me to this Fu… fruit lovers wave 🙁
I declare that I would not trust that doc. I’m regret and i want to apply for that anti fruit wave which you mentioned on your blog.
I give you my word that I will never ever let that fruit company to ripoff me again.
So i won’t buy any fruit company product anymore, down with apple , down with peach , down with Kivi , down with pineapple and banana. (Except watermelon which i’m in love with it, Sorry!)
Long live Pepsi and that anti fruit wave.

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