Admins eHow SysAdmin Tips & Tricks

February 27, 2010

Set date,time and timezone on dreambox (dm800)

Filed under: DreamBox — Tags: , , , , — admin @ 6:49 pm

You can set the time and date on dm800 by following command :

date -s YYYY.MM.DD-hh:mm:ss

YYYY is Year
MM is Month
DD is Day
hh is Hour (0-24)
mm is Minute
ss is Second

for changing the timezone , first get a file list of cities by following command :

ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/

choose your city or nearest city to you , then use the following command to change the timezone ( replace YOUR_CITY with your chosen city ) :

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/YOUR_CITY /etc/localtime

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